Saturday, February 20, 2010

Big Zac

Big Zac<----(Say this with a deep terminator voice.)  This was today's impulse buy on my trip to get a new lightbulb for the seedlings.  It was either that or a king size Snickers bar.  Since we are apparently getting ANOTHER huge dump of snow tomorrow, my spirits needed lifting and (terminator voice) Big Zac was it!

I don't typically attempt huge tomatoes.  I lean more towards big flavors than big slices.  However, one of my forums plans on having a who grew the biggest tomato contest this summer and I expressed interest.  I'm only going to put one plant of Big Zac in the garden and I'll be only letting a couple of fruit mature to see if I can get a big.  Big Zac is a hybrid tomato that was the result of combining two beefsteak varieties.   Yes, this would be the second hybrid this year.  Its not a trend.  I'm just competitive.  It will be fun to see what I can get out of it. 


MrBrownThumb said...


Did you see the tomato growing contest My Skinny Garden won with a giant heirloom? You should check out her blog and see the monster that got her a trip to Vegas!

btw, do you want to join the blogroll at ? We're planning a small seed swap on the 7th when some of us will descend on the Chicago Flower Show.

Stacy said...

MBT: Oh I have the bases covered in the heirloom department too and secretly I'm hoping that they win. :)
I'd love to join the blogroll at Chicago Gardeners! What do I have to do?

MrBrownThumb said...


All you had to do was add a link to that blog in your blogroll. I've added your blog to the feedroll, so now your posts will show up with the rest of our.

If you use Facebook I just started us a page over there. Just copy/paste the shortened URL. It was too long to just slap in your comments.

Anyway, we have the info for our seed swap on the events tab of the FB page, but will be posting some more details on the Chicago Gardeners blog.