Monday, May 25, 2009

Camera Cleaning Day!

Time to get rid of miscellaneous pictures with no topic!

Bok Choi, Broccoflowerm Chard and tiny broccoli.

Allium (Gladiator). Their flower heads are smaller than is typical because these are about a decade old.

Red Coumbine. It's thriving in deep shade.

Sack o Purple Potatoes, doing well!

Foreground: hosta, to the right onions and carrots, lettuce, bok choi and geraniums. Near the back, double rows of tomatoes, allium and peonies, to the left kale, phlox and asiatic lilies.


Heather said...

It all looks so nice! Good cleaning of the camera!

Beegirl said...

Just added you to my follow list so I don't loose you! Your allium are wonderful. I am going to have to put some in next year. The bees were all over the ones in my mother's yard!

Sandra said...

Very nice photos and gardens. Your potatoes are looking really good!

Chicago Garden said...

Nice pics and really awesome looking garden.

I have alliums & columbines blooming too and baby bok choi growing. We're like garden blogging twins or something.

MrBrownThumb @ Chicago Garden

Stacy said...

Thanks Sande and Heather!

Bee I've been stalking your blog for tricks to get honeybees to come back into my garden. They've poofed.

MBT do you have lots of toads digging holes in your seedling planters every night too? ;)

Chicago Garden said...

Ok, on second thought our gardens are not that much alike then. :0) I was also rethinking my previous comment when I noticed just how much bigger & neater your garden is compared to mine.

MrBrownThumb @ Chicago Garden

Stacy said...

Neat? Ha. Most of those big trees in my backyard are maples. I know you know what that means this time of year!